The varied shades of life...That lie twixt black and white The many paths we take...Between birth and death Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Jobs and Love
Well, you have all obviously noticed my absence..LIfe has been very very busy the last few weeks..My masters report is due on 6th May and me been working my rear end off to get the bloody thing done..Another 17 days to go for that deadline...and 45 to go for the end of my degree..Such a sad life..After 4 years of university, I am now reduced to counting the days left..sigh..kya kiya jaye..
Anyways, on a brighter note, have got myself a job :) so thats one stress less..Still waiting to hear from two other places by end of this week and got a couple more interviews lined up as well..Still not quite sure what to do but will sit down and decide soon..Thou shall be updated soon :D Another 3 weeks and i will be back to my regular posting.. Well, thats the "job" part sorted..Now for the "love"..And before you tear you hair out wondering WHO would be so stupid, it is only a damn quiz...hehehe Fairy tales, your love will be like an imaginary story, you love to love, you believe you have only one soul mate is waiting for you some where in this world and you are sure you will find them one day, and when you do you will make them the happiest in the whole world. Where will you find love? brought to you by Quizilla LMAO..found this hilarious so thought i might as well share.. Damn right I will make my soulmate the happiest in the whole NOT marrying sure she will be over the moon with relief :D Right, back to work..Enjoy peoples..and come back in a few weeks..The madness shall continue with renewed vigour then..After all, have 2 months of pent up nonsense to let loose!! For now, wish me luck as i break my head writing up my reports..Adios X! Posted By Abhinay | 6:46 pm | | |