The varied shades of life...That lie twixt black and white
The many paths we take...Between birth and death

  Monday, June 13, 2005
Life again.. 

So..finally, i think i have got my life back..Well, part of it anyways! My university life is officially over, for now at least..I have got a job and am awaiting my mark sheet so I can then get my contract..Then need to apply for my work permit and visa..

Also, been looking for a house..Chose to be posted in Leeds for the first year, so will be here for another year, which is great..Love Leeds anyways, and makes transition from student life to professional life that bit easier, just knowing the place..Have found a house and now need to get the reference check done..Going to see the agent tomorrow, so should know about the house by Friday, which is also the day I get my results..

Speaking of results, the exams seem to have gone well..The lecturers and Project Supervisors have been very positive so lets see..Even the very last exam, for which i did all of maybe 2 hours revision has gone well..According to the lecturer, two of my project mates and I have the top 3 marks in that exam, but dont know which order..Mind you, considering we all did only about 2 hours or so each, it aint half bad Just waiting for my marks now really, so can move on..It has been a looooong 4 years..Saying that though, dont know where it has gone..Had the end of year sit down formal at the Halls..Was an interesting experience, knowing it was my last..The staff who have known me for eons as well seemed to be sad that I was leaving too..Or maybe they were tears of joy? <-- "thank god the bugger is FINALLY leaving..Thought we would never get rid of him!!"

Life really has entered the next stage now..Going home at the end of July, but dont know what to expect..Finally, we have all finished uni and moved on to jobs, to further studies..Neuro is now in Bombay, Devar in Canada, and I am going to come back to UK to work..Let alone 3 different cities or countries, we are actually in 3 different continents!! Who would have thought so when we first met, all those many many years ago..Still, going home will be a nice welcome break..And will still get to meet people, Neuro in Bombay, and Rhea, who has decided to explore Ahmedabad..

Well, will be nice to go home for a break, but there is a long while to go yet..Graduate on 21st July, and only then go home for 5 weeks..Till then, will be here, getting my work permit and housing sorted out..So not quite done yet..Hence why said at the beginning, only got part of my life back But by Friday, should know about my marks and house..Another 2 weeks or so to submit my Work Permit application and get the result of that..So hopefully, by end of June, will be done with all my work and preparation and I can relax..

Or can i? Have been thinking of working for two weeks or so in end June/July to get a bit of money..A week or two's earnings will be a good pocket filler when go back home can really chill out and spend some money travelling and enjoying what is likely to be my last real long holiday in years .. Mind you, at 5 weeks, it is'nt that long..Still, will be a miracle if can sneak 2-3 weeks continuos hols once I start working..So from that point of view, I guess it is..

Oh, and apparently, a half italian/half english HOTTIE fancies me Now i know she isnt blind, nor mentally deficient, nor suicidal, nor clinically insane..Who knows, maybe there is a girl around who has fallen for my charm and personality and great sense of humour


Saala, apun ke saath aisa ich kyun hota hai??

Finally, a BIIIIG Hello to Abyss, who apparently has been checking daily for posts
Rhea, another nutter who seems to want to read the rubbish i spout!

And Neuro, ya ************, you should be the last one abusing me for not posting Considering you shut down yours

Right, me thinks thats wnough rubbish for one day I should be posting more frequently from now on..Especially, once get all the other stuff sorted and my brain decides to come back from holiday..Till then..

X!   Posted By Abhinay | 9:21 pm | |


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Abhinay, Male, 21-25, Univ of Leeds (UK)/Ahmedabad (INDIA), Basketball and Cricket, Classic rock and Jazz, Kishore and Rafi, Calvin and Hobbes

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